Pada 28.4, Lahirlah seorang bayi perempuan pada pukul 6.22 petang yang bernama KHAIRUN NISAA BT SULIMAN..
Anak kepada pasangan FARIDAH HANIM N SULIMAN..
Waahh, gituw.. hehe.. so, skang da 21 tahun da..
Aku da kene eehh, MEMANG kne BERDIKARI..
Thanx To Lovely Family Yg Wish.. Mak Ayah.. Sayang sangat kat mak n ayah.. tatau mcm mne na balas jasa mak n ayh yg da jge k.ngah smp umo 21 tahun nie.. kenang2 balek, k.ngah je la ank mak ayh yg smp umo 18 thn ta msk asrama.. yg len sume ke asrama.. belajar berdikari awl.. k.ngah jew yg ta kn.. smp la tyme msk uniten nie.. kat cni blaja berdikari tnp mak ayh.. wpun perak dkt kan, tp ta manjekan diri balek slalu.. tanak nyusah kn ayh masukkan dwet gak.. I try to be da best for both of u.. But sumtimes owg bg result yg ta baek gaks kn.. maaf.. k.ngah ta blaja leklok.. tp i make u both proud rite at least? hee~ hope pasni na keje leklok, na bg mak ayh dwet.. bg mak ayh menantu n cucu.. auuuww~ gatai na.. *k.long mst mara.. =P
Terima kasih MAK AYAH.. SAYANG sangat kamoo berDUA.. Muahhxxss!!! :*
To K.long, K.Yang, N Mai.. Thanx for da wishes my great sibling.. Sayang kamoo betiga.. Maaf kadang2 jarang msj or kol.. Pape pn, sy Terlalu Sayang anda betiga.. Sape yg berani wat SHIT ngan mereka, siap la.. sy sanggup korbankan tenaga saye tuk mereka n i'm not kidding rite now.. same goes to my parents.. don't ever talk bad abt them.. i'll make u disappear seyesly.. =P
To my sis, Sile la cpt2 bg abg ipar, adek ipar n ank sedare.. ahaha~ apekah? =P
N Sume La Yg Wish.. Besties sume.. Wawa, cua, dekya, dayah, n len2 kwn uniten n fb..
Special BIG Thanx To ==> Qema, Han, Tasha, Fin, Eton, Pika, Paan N Nomie.. Wat Suprise KFC.. Best WOOO.. then men letop2 belon.. Haha.. ♥ U All.. Muahhhxxss!!
Dapat hadiah drpd Lavuu.. Tudung itam bunga ijau n Tudung Cream.. Likee it very much.. Luv U Lavuu.. =)
Dapat hadiah drpd Baby gaks, dpt Pin Tudong Epal Ijau.. I liikkee.. =)
Well, n well n well..
Happy 21st Besday Nisaa.. Luv Myself.. =)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Rutin hidup ak?
Erm, Isnin sampai rabu, klas stat kol 2 until 4..
So, Cuti from Thursday until Sunday..
OMG!!! Baru seminggu ak da rse mcm sebulan kat cni..
Ade rumah, tp dok dalam KOTAK.. Kotak? Apekah~~~
KOTAK here means, BILIK.. Ak dok dalam bilik sahaje..
Can't u feel the boringness?? Huu~
Ruang tamu ade bdk ousmate fondesen dok ngan kwn2 dowang.. sbb dowang ad tv n sume kelengkapan len kat c2..
Dalam bilik ak ade ape? Ak n paan besame laptop kami.. N peti Ais.. Huu~
Tau ta mcm pening pale dok dalam bilik tue berbekalkan angin kipas jew..
Tp na trun nek, umah tingkat 3.. Bdk2 len sume blek umh dowang sbb dkt..
So, tade tujuan.. Huu~
Then, ktowg pny rutin makan, tiap2 petang.. So, tengahari n malam ta makan..
Wahh, diet bagai.. *padahal malas na trun nek.. Adehh~
Somehow, i really miss tyme where were all at murni.. stayed on the same floor..
N kat umh leh jalan n gelak suka hati..
Seyesly, I really miss that.. =(
Someone please take me OUT from here.. Please.. Huu~
Erm, Isnin sampai rabu, klas stat kol 2 until 4..
So, Cuti from Thursday until Sunday..
OMG!!! Baru seminggu ak da rse mcm sebulan kat cni..
Ade rumah, tp dok dalam KOTAK.. Kotak? Apekah~~~
KOTAK here means, BILIK.. Ak dok dalam bilik sahaje..
Can't u feel the boringness?? Huu~
Ruang tamu ade bdk ousmate fondesen dok ngan kwn2 dowang.. sbb dowang ad tv n sume kelengkapan len kat c2..
Dalam bilik ak ade ape? Ak n paan besame laptop kami.. N peti Ais.. Huu~
Tau ta mcm pening pale dok dalam bilik tue berbekalkan angin kipas jew..
Tp na trun nek, umah tingkat 3.. Bdk2 len sume blek umh dowang sbb dkt..
So, tade tujuan.. Huu~
Then, ktowg pny rutin makan, tiap2 petang.. So, tengahari n malam ta makan..
Wahh, diet bagai.. *padahal malas na trun nek.. Adehh~
Somehow, i really miss tyme where were all at murni.. stayed on the same floor..
N kat umh leh jalan n gelak suka hati..
Seyesly, I really miss that.. =(
Someone please take me OUT from here.. Please.. Huu~
Monday, April 19, 2010
I Luv Uni10~
Apabila ak da menjejakkan diri ke Uni10 blek, ak rse mcm OMG, ta sonoknyew.. haha~
Tp na wat cmner kan, da kne blaja, so blaja la.. tgl lg stahun jew kot.. =)
So, ahad ritu, ak blek ke Uni10, bayar sewa, check in hostel..
n ad probs, umah yg ktowg na tue ta sme wing ngan eton n sarah.. apekah~
Yang paling macam tak bley blah, ktowg dok ngan dak fondesen.. bkn tanak dok ngan dowang, or ta bagus bagai, ini masalah dunie AKU n kwn2 ak.. kami da ta besame.. da la qema dok umh abg die..
Han plak tercampak ke umah len.. OMG, apekah~
Han dok i3, ak dok i2 ngan paan.. pastu p tny owg2 office tue, die kte die ta usik sistem pon.. *weh, takan ade hantu lak na usik.. takan tetibe lak bley men tuka2 cmtu..
Ape nie? professional la sket.. bincang la leklok.. ktowg ad perasaan kot.. cakap la yg dowang ak cek blek kew, ape kew tuk sejukkan ati kitowang.. huu~
klu cmtu bek tapayah bkk timeslot.. campak je la kat mne2.. ape daa.. Uniten makin cam TAK BLEY BLAH GITU.. adehh..
tape la Nisaa, stahun jew lagi ko kat Uni10 nie.. Ape2 pn, ko akn GRADUATE kat Uni10 kan.. da 3 tahun blaja kat cni..
Well then, ak ngan paan dok i2-03-04.. ousmate ktowg bdk fondesen, amek IT gaks.. okie la, not bad la.. tp, ktowg la mcm kekok.. ye la, dowang da dok lme, tetibe ktowg msuk kan.. haha.. maaf la ADEK2.. =) *umah ak ad tb, toaster, n sume kelengkapan la except Fridge..
So, nnt barang2 umah na sumbat mne ak pn tatau.. Erm, kne letak kat bilik ktowg nie la.. *Tv yg penting tu, na tgk 'Hotel manis n AdaMaya'.. haha~ =P
Pape je la.. layan kan je la.. Myb ak kne OPEN sket DUNIA ak.. kne la knl2 owg len gaks, ta la dok dlm kelompok ak jew.. hehe.. Tp, ak TAKAN lpe kwn2 ak..
Well then, Sayonara.. *td da p klas ITCB.. Okie la.. hope na skor this subject.. InsyaALLAH, Amin.. =)
Tp na wat cmner kan, da kne blaja, so blaja la.. tgl lg stahun jew kot.. =)
So, ahad ritu, ak blek ke Uni10, bayar sewa, check in hostel..
n ad probs, umah yg ktowg na tue ta sme wing ngan eton n sarah.. apekah~
Yang paling macam tak bley blah, ktowg dok ngan dak fondesen.. bkn tanak dok ngan dowang, or ta bagus bagai, ini masalah dunie AKU n kwn2 ak.. kami da ta besame.. da la qema dok umh abg die..
Han plak tercampak ke umah len.. OMG, apekah~
Han dok i3, ak dok i2 ngan paan.. pastu p tny owg2 office tue, die kte die ta usik sistem pon.. *weh, takan ade hantu lak na usik.. takan tetibe lak bley men tuka2 cmtu..
Ape nie? professional la sket.. bincang la leklok.. ktowg ad perasaan kot.. cakap la yg dowang ak cek blek kew, ape kew tuk sejukkan ati kitowang.. huu~
klu cmtu bek tapayah bkk timeslot.. campak je la kat mne2.. ape daa.. Uniten makin cam TAK BLEY BLAH GITU.. adehh..
tape la Nisaa, stahun jew lagi ko kat Uni10 nie.. Ape2 pn, ko akn GRADUATE kat Uni10 kan.. da 3 tahun blaja kat cni..
Well then, ak ngan paan dok i2-03-04.. ousmate ktowg bdk fondesen, amek IT gaks.. okie la, not bad la.. tp, ktowg la mcm kekok.. ye la, dowang da dok lme, tetibe ktowg msuk kan.. haha.. maaf la ADEK2.. =) *umah ak ad tb, toaster, n sume kelengkapan la except Fridge..
So, nnt barang2 umah na sumbat mne ak pn tatau.. Erm, kne letak kat bilik ktowg nie la.. *Tv yg penting tu, na tgk 'Hotel manis n AdaMaya'.. haha~ =P
Pape je la.. layan kan je la.. Myb ak kne OPEN sket DUNIA ak.. kne la knl2 owg len gaks, ta la dok dlm kelompok ak jew.. hehe.. Tp, ak TAKAN lpe kwn2 ak..
Well then, Sayonara.. *td da p klas ITCB.. Okie la.. hope na skor this subject.. InsyaALLAH, Amin.. =)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Result, Result And Result..
Well, and well and well..
Ta expect plak result kuar rini.. sbb people keep on telling tomorrow is da day.. but, pg td, they said that, they've got an emel said u can checked ur result on 11.oo pm..
i was like, waahh... result da na kuar.. takkooooooottt~..
Well, it was becoz last sem, i've got a bad result.. yeah.. really.. dats y i feel very nervous, afraid and everything.. but, this sem, i've my target and i da buat sebaik yang boleh.. and like always, i've already benazar la kn.. =P
So, blek dr pasar jmaat td, ad kwn msj, told that result da kuar.. i was, OMG, seriously? tp dat tyme, hujan lebat n guruh, i was like, pfuuuhhh~ ta payah cek lg..
bg hati tenang dl and whatdasoever.. mkn2 la dl ngan family, yela, br blek pasar kn.. =)
Then, ak mandi n then open my laptop, streamyx bagai.. n start open Mozilla Firefox.. bukak la website uniten dgn hati yg dup dap dup dap.. Open my acc, there is.. RESULTS.. Click!
Alhamdulillah.. Syukur sangat2 pada ALLAH S.W.T.. result lebih baek dr sem lepas.. Atas usaha ak, inilah result ak.. Good Job Nisaa.. Eventhough my result is not the best among them, ak tetap bersyukur sbb inilah USAHA ak.. takat tue jew la kemampuan ak.. Alhamdulillah, Syukur Ya ALLAH.. =)
So, Thanx Puan Nazrita(CA) *i like maya act, i'll do better in maya nex tyme.., Thanx Puan Rozita(DB) *u're the best lecturer, i like u.., Thanx Puan Faridah Hani(SE) *ur way of teaching and dat quiz helped me a lot.., Thanx Sir Amna(CO) *i didn't expect that reslut, seyesly.. and Thanx Sir Shahrul *vr is interesting act..
Semoga ALLAH merahmati kamoo sume.. =)
Well then, that's all for today.. Na tau result sy? Hee~ Tapayah la.. ta sebagus kamoo owg.. I'll do better next tyme, pray for me, okie.. =)
Sayonara, minna.. =P
Well, and well and well..
Ta expect plak result kuar rini.. sbb people keep on telling tomorrow is da day.. but, pg td, they said that, they've got an emel said u can checked ur result on 11.oo pm..
i was like, waahh... result da na kuar.. takkooooooottt~..
Well, it was becoz last sem, i've got a bad result.. yeah.. really.. dats y i feel very nervous, afraid and everything.. but, this sem, i've my target and i da buat sebaik yang boleh.. and like always, i've already benazar la kn.. =P
So, blek dr pasar jmaat td, ad kwn msj, told that result da kuar.. i was, OMG, seriously? tp dat tyme, hujan lebat n guruh, i was like, pfuuuhhh~ ta payah cek lg..
bg hati tenang dl and whatdasoever.. mkn2 la dl ngan family, yela, br blek pasar kn.. =)
Then, ak mandi n then open my laptop, streamyx bagai.. n start open Mozilla Firefox.. bukak la website uniten dgn hati yg dup dap dup dap.. Open my acc, there is.. RESULTS.. Click!
Alhamdulillah.. Syukur sangat2 pada ALLAH S.W.T.. result lebih baek dr sem lepas.. Atas usaha ak, inilah result ak.. Good Job Nisaa.. Eventhough my result is not the best among them, ak tetap bersyukur sbb inilah USAHA ak.. takat tue jew la kemampuan ak.. Alhamdulillah, Syukur Ya ALLAH.. =)
So, Thanx Puan Nazrita(CA) *i like maya act, i'll do better in maya nex tyme.., Thanx Puan Rozita(DB) *u're the best lecturer, i like u.., Thanx Puan Faridah Hani(SE) *ur way of teaching and dat quiz helped me a lot.., Thanx Sir Amna(CO) *i didn't expect that reslut, seyesly.. and Thanx Sir Shahrul *vr is interesting act..
Semoga ALLAH merahmati kamoo sume.. =)
Well then, that's all for today.. Na tau result sy? Hee~ Tapayah la.. ta sebagus kamoo owg.. I'll do better next tyme, pray for me, okie.. =)
Sayonara, minna.. =P
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
ip0h mali~
Hee~ ip0h mali.. awat?
smlm ak p ip0h.. fin ajk teman die..
ade lah rasia ak ngan die.. hee~
so, ak pn p stesen bas cri bas ke medan gopeng..
but, tade stu bas pn yg p medan gopeng..
yang ade sume p medan kit..
pastu, ad sowang bdk nie, pejalanan na sme ngan ak, so die kte jom join die..
ak pn ikot la die.. ckp ngan ayh bas kol 1..
tgg pny tgg, kol 1.20 br dtg.. tgh tgg bas tue, kasot ak plak putos..
apekah~ ak pn pkr2, na p bli kasot or ta.. n ak juz stay cmtue jew, sbb ta terok sgt kondisi kasot tue, msh blh dilindungi.. n ADE AKU KESAH?? =P
so, kasot ak cmtue, smp ak p medan kit n amek bas ke medan gopeng..
then jmp la avanza putrayaya fin tue.. hee~
n na tau, ak ta tuka kasot gaks tyme p mkn mcd ngan fin.. haha~ =P
pastu, na p ke destinasi seterusnyew, ak pnjm kasot fin..
malas mau bli kasot, sbb da ad kat umh sepasang..
then, p la ke destinasi rasia ktowg.. hee~ mne leh mention cni.. secreto recipito..
da abes ke destinasi rasia, ktowg na p tmpt shopping complex..
fyi, i've nevr shopping or jln2 kat ip0h.. juz p ip0h sbb na p umh sedare yg jaoh sket ngan banda n p bli laptop dkt ngan pasar besar ip0h tue..
hee~ fin soh tnjk jalan, ak mne tau embong.. ampunn~ =P
pastu, men cri2 snd la, pusing cna, msk cni.. haha~
jmp la ip0h parade.. *cadang na p Jusco ip0h, tp ta jmp..
then, jln2 la kat situ, fin ad bli brg sket.. ;)
n ktowg bli bahulu thailand which is very delicious.. ad 5 perisa.. best2.. =)
then, dlm kol 7.20 kot kuar dr situ, na blek kk.. *fin tdo umh ak..
dlm kol 8 gak la smp umh ak.. best owh travel ngan fin.. hee~ mlm lak on9, men hotel city, sembang, google maps n tgk gamba hp fin.. pastu kol 1..
Pg td, mak tepon ckp na blek kampung t.intan, opah ta sehat na bwk p klinik..
tp fin ad, jd ak tgl umh ngan fin.. pastu, smbg2 pasal sedare plak, then dlm kol 2 fin kuar dr umh ak tuk ke UTP amek adek die.. ak tgl sowang jew.. ape lagi on9 jew la.. hee~ smp la ke mlm nie.. ahaha~ =P
Sayonara, minna.. =)
smlm ak p ip0h.. fin ajk teman die..
ade lah rasia ak ngan die.. hee~
so, ak pn p stesen bas cri bas ke medan gopeng..
but, tade stu bas pn yg p medan gopeng..
yang ade sume p medan kit..
pastu, ad sowang bdk nie, pejalanan na sme ngan ak, so die kte jom join die..
ak pn ikot la die.. ckp ngan ayh bas kol 1..
tgg pny tgg, kol 1.20 br dtg.. tgh tgg bas tue, kasot ak plak putos..
apekah~ ak pn pkr2, na p bli kasot or ta.. n ak juz stay cmtue jew, sbb ta terok sgt kondisi kasot tue, msh blh dilindungi.. n ADE AKU KESAH?? =P
so, kasot ak cmtue, smp ak p medan kit n amek bas ke medan gopeng..
then jmp la avanza putrayaya fin tue.. hee~
n na tau, ak ta tuka kasot gaks tyme p mkn mcd ngan fin.. haha~ =P
pastu, na p ke destinasi seterusnyew, ak pnjm kasot fin..
malas mau bli kasot, sbb da ad kat umh sepasang..
then, p la ke destinasi rasia ktowg.. hee~ mne leh mention cni.. secreto recipito..
da abes ke destinasi rasia, ktowg na p tmpt shopping complex..
fyi, i've nevr shopping or jln2 kat ip0h.. juz p ip0h sbb na p umh sedare yg jaoh sket ngan banda n p bli laptop dkt ngan pasar besar ip0h tue..
hee~ fin soh tnjk jalan, ak mne tau embong.. ampunn~ =P
pastu, men cri2 snd la, pusing cna, msk cni.. haha~
jmp la ip0h parade.. *cadang na p Jusco ip0h, tp ta jmp..
then, jln2 la kat situ, fin ad bli brg sket.. ;)
n ktowg bli bahulu thailand which is very delicious.. ad 5 perisa.. best2.. =)
then, dlm kol 7.20 kot kuar dr situ, na blek kk.. *fin tdo umh ak..
dlm kol 8 gak la smp umh ak.. best owh travel ngan fin.. hee~ mlm lak on9, men hotel city, sembang, google maps n tgk gamba hp fin.. pastu kol 1..
Pg td, mak tepon ckp na blek kampung t.intan, opah ta sehat na bwk p klinik..
tp fin ad, jd ak tgl umh ngan fin.. pastu, smbg2 pasal sedare plak, then dlm kol 2 fin kuar dr umh ak tuk ke UTP amek adek die.. ak tgl sowang jew.. ape lagi on9 jew la.. hee~ smp la ke mlm nie.. ahaha~ =P
Sayonara, minna.. =)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Konnichiwa, minna san.. Well and well and well..
Da dua ari ak ta hapdate blog.. Sebab? i'm not feeling well this 2 days.. kne fluu.. selsema n sakit tekak.. so, ak memang tade mood la na menghapdate, menulis..
Hee~ Tapi hari2 ak bkk blog nie tuk men2 ngan widget2 itu.. =P
Lately, i've a problems in sleeping.. i can't sleep well.. i feel like sleepy but when i baring ats katil, i can't sleep automatically.. i dun knoe why.. i used to listen to music, but i doesn't work.. *i thought if i listen to music, i will slowly sleep..
So, i dun knoe how to overcome this problem.. i juz golek2, imagine anything, and i dun knoe when i actually sleep.. ahaha~ it's funny.. da la ak tdo sowang..
Ad owg tue, before this die slalu teman ak sblm tdo, tp since he is too busy, die tade la teman ak sgt.. n ak plak tade kwn teman sembang.. klu kat uniten, ade la qema or han or shida or fin.. huu~ tape la.. ak juz harap i can sleep well after this.. *ak rse ak tabley tdo sbb fluu tue, so skang da kurang fluu, mst leh tdo ngan lena.. Amin..
So, then, sayonara, minna..
*eh2, fyi, yg game VF tue kan, ad yg da mati sbb, tatau la myb sakit or what yg ak ta pasan.. huu~ now, i choose to make it became a new generation, means, i take their daughter, and she start a new family.. =P
**And2, ramai yg da became older, da beruban rambut.. klaka2.. adehh.. =P
Da dua ari ak ta hapdate blog.. Sebab? i'm not feeling well this 2 days.. kne fluu.. selsema n sakit tekak.. so, ak memang tade mood la na menghapdate, menulis..
Hee~ Tapi hari2 ak bkk blog nie tuk men2 ngan widget2 itu.. =P
Lately, i've a problems in sleeping.. i can't sleep well.. i feel like sleepy but when i baring ats katil, i can't sleep automatically.. i dun knoe why.. i used to listen to music, but i doesn't work.. *i thought if i listen to music, i will slowly sleep..
So, i dun knoe how to overcome this problem.. i juz golek2, imagine anything, and i dun knoe when i actually sleep.. ahaha~ it's funny.. da la ak tdo sowang..
Ad owg tue, before this die slalu teman ak sblm tdo, tp since he is too busy, die tade la teman ak sgt.. n ak plak tade kwn teman sembang.. klu kat uniten, ade la qema or han or shida or fin.. huu~ tape la.. ak juz harap i can sleep well after this.. *ak rse ak tabley tdo sbb fluu tue, so skang da kurang fluu, mst leh tdo ngan lena.. Amin..
So, then, sayonara, minna..
*eh2, fyi, yg game VF tue kan, ad yg da mati sbb, tatau la myb sakit or what yg ak ta pasan.. huu~ now, i choose to make it became a new generation, means, i take their daughter, and she start a new family.. =P
**And2, ramai yg da became older, da beruban rambut.. klaka2.. adehh.. =P
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hello, minna.. Hee~
Rini /me juz kemas my bilik n kemas ruang tamu..
Ta bsh bj sbb bj sket jew..
*Yela dok betige jew kn.. =P
Well, i've some picture about VF.. *i printscreen their keadaan tyme they sleep..
Hee~ So cute bcoz i have 5 family n u knoe, some family becomes big family..
I'm gonna show u da pictures and the Family.. The picture i've took is when they are sleep, it is bcoz it looks kemas (klu ta, sowang kemane, yg len plak kemane), so the best pic is sleeping.. =)
*For the info abt who is dat person or else, please refer to my previous post.. Tq..
Family 1(NISAA)
Fasha(39), Fahrin(38), Faris(12)
They've got another 3 members which is, Faizal & Faizul(7) and Fifin(2).. =)
This is the picture of the family..

Family 2(K.OON)
Liyana(36), Aizat(34), Aina & Aini(12)..
They've got another 1 member, Ainul(8).. =)
This is the picture of the family..

Family 3(ME)
Shah(39), Elly(41), Dania & Damia(12), Adam(10)..
They've got another 3 members, which is, Dalia(8), Azam & Azim(2)..
*This family is the biggest family among others.. I Liikee~~ =)
This is their picture.. *No vacancy for next person (katenyew).. ahaha~

Linda(37), Naim(37)..
Both of them then get 3 children who, Shila & Shira(8), Shida(2)..
This is the picture of the family..

Family 5 (ABP)
Adira(37), Alif(38)..
They then got a twin which is, Areena & Areesa(8)..
This is the picture of the family..

That's all for now.. Hee~ =P
Rini /me juz kemas my bilik n kemas ruang tamu..
Ta bsh bj sbb bj sket jew..
*Yela dok betige jew kn.. =P
Well, i've some picture about VF.. *i printscreen their keadaan tyme they sleep..
Hee~ So cute bcoz i have 5 family n u knoe, some family becomes big family..
I'm gonna show u da pictures and the Family.. The picture i've took is when they are sleep, it is bcoz it looks kemas (klu ta, sowang kemane, yg len plak kemane), so the best pic is sleeping.. =)
*For the info abt who is dat person or else, please refer to my previous post.. Tq..
Family 1(NISAA)
Fasha(39), Fahrin(38), Faris(12)
They've got another 3 members which is, Faizal & Faizul(7) and Fifin(2).. =)
This is the picture of the family..
Family 2(K.OON)
Liyana(36), Aizat(34), Aina & Aini(12)..
They've got another 1 member, Ainul(8).. =)
This is the picture of the family..
Family 3(ME)
Shah(39), Elly(41), Dania & Damia(12), Adam(10)..
They've got another 3 members, which is, Dalia(8), Azam & Azim(2)..
*This family is the biggest family among others.. I Liikee~~ =)
This is their picture.. *No vacancy for next person (katenyew).. ahaha~
Linda(37), Naim(37)..
Both of them then get 3 children who, Shila & Shira(8), Shida(2)..
This is the picture of the family..
Family 5 (ABP)
Adira(37), Alif(38)..
They then got a twin which is, Areena & Areesa(8)..
This is the picture of the family..
That's all for now.. Hee~ =P
Monday, April 5, 2010
Ak skang banyak mase kosong..
Da ta tlg mak sbb sukan da abes..
Tp ak rindu ngan bdk2 tue.. Tgk la kalau rajen ak p la tadika tue.. =)
Pasni ak dok umh, kemas umah, basuh baju, sidai baju, masak, tgk tv, men tenet n msh byk mse kosong i guess..
So, Ak ad sesuatu tuk ak isi mase lapang..
What's that?
I'm playing games.. this games is not like the others game that i've played before..
This game's name is Virtual Families(VF).. *before this i hve played Virtual Villages, tp ta se best VF nie.. =)
Well, I dun knoe whether u have played this game or not..
Fyi (who doesn't knoe this game), this game is a family game, where you create 1 people, up to u, u wat a female or male..
Then, he/she will take care of that house for a while since she/he is single..
One day, u will get an email which telling u that some1 want to marry he/she..
So, U need to decide whether u want to accept dat marriage proposal or reject it..
If u marry him/him/her, the next person will come until u accept their proposal..
*but, dun worry, he/she WILL be married.. dun worried abt being andartu or vice versa.. ahaha~ =P
This game is really interesting.. And funny.. Ahaha~
U need to make them, making a child.. and they will trying to get a baby, and after that, if success, they will get a baby at that time..
It's not like us who need to wait until 9 month to get a baby. Well, it is a GAME, rite.. =)
And the children will grow up in one day.. They can walk, run, and doing things like, yeah, what children always do..
For this time, i have create 5 family..
Family 1 (i put under NISAA name)
I create - Fasha, 31
She then married to - Fahrin, 30 (who propose her)
And have a baby - Faris, 5
*i try to make them have another child but, they said, it is not the right time to have a baby.. ahaha~ =P
Family 2 (K.OON)
I create - Liyana, 29
She then married to - Aizat, 27 (who propose her)
And have a baby which is twin - Aina and Aini, 5
*i try to make them have another child and it succeed..
They get another baby but, i dun noe whether that baby is he or she..(not twin la).. ahaha~ =P
Family 3 (ME)
I create - Shah, 32
He then married to - Elly, 34 (marriage proposal)
And have a baby which is also twin - Dania and Damia, 5
1 day, they got an email which ask them whether they want to adopted a child or not.. I choose yes, and then there came a boy..
And I named that boy - Adam, 3..
*i also try to make them have another child and it works..
They get another baby (not twin la).. =P
Family 4 (LUPIKIRLASENDIRI *knp nme nie? Ntah.. ahaha~ =P)
I create - Linda, 30
She then married to - Naim, 30 also
*They just got a baby, which is twin..
Tomorrow i will knoe their sex (bcoz, tomorrow they will automatically become a-5-years-old kids).. =P
Family 5 (ABP *bcoz i create this family tyme i watched ABPBH.. funny rite?)
I create - Adira, 30 (bcoz i like adira in af8)
She married to - Alif, 31 (i also like alif in af8)
*They also just got a baby twin..
We'll see tomorrow what's their sex.. =)
That's all the information about a families that i've created..
I will play this game until they will be a very BIG family.. =)
So, that's all for today..
Sayonara, minna.. =P
Ak skang banyak mase kosong..
Da ta tlg mak sbb sukan da abes..
Tp ak rindu ngan bdk2 tue.. Tgk la kalau rajen ak p la tadika tue.. =)
Pasni ak dok umh, kemas umah, basuh baju, sidai baju, masak, tgk tv, men tenet n msh byk mse kosong i guess..
So, Ak ad sesuatu tuk ak isi mase lapang..
What's that?
I'm playing games.. this games is not like the others game that i've played before..
This game's name is Virtual Families(VF).. *before this i hve played Virtual Villages, tp ta se best VF nie.. =)
Well, I dun knoe whether u have played this game or not..
Fyi (who doesn't knoe this game), this game is a family game, where you create 1 people, up to u, u wat a female or male..
Then, he/she will take care of that house for a while since she/he is single..
One day, u will get an email which telling u that some1 want to marry he/she..
So, U need to decide whether u want to accept dat marriage proposal or reject it..
If u marry him/him/her, the next person will come until u accept their proposal..
*but, dun worry, he/she WILL be married.. dun worried abt being andartu or vice versa.. ahaha~ =P
This game is really interesting.. And funny.. Ahaha~
U need to make them, making a child.. and they will trying to get a baby, and after that, if success, they will get a baby at that time..
It's not like us who need to wait until 9 month to get a baby. Well, it is a GAME, rite.. =)
And the children will grow up in one day.. They can walk, run, and doing things like, yeah, what children always do..
For this time, i have create 5 family..
Family 1 (i put under NISAA name)
I create - Fasha, 31
She then married to - Fahrin, 30 (who propose her)
And have a baby - Faris, 5
*i try to make them have another child but, they said, it is not the right time to have a baby.. ahaha~ =P
Family 2 (K.OON)
I create - Liyana, 29
She then married to - Aizat, 27 (who propose her)
And have a baby which is twin - Aina and Aini, 5
*i try to make them have another child and it succeed..
They get another baby but, i dun noe whether that baby is he or she..(not twin la).. ahaha~ =P
Family 3 (ME)
I create - Shah, 32
He then married to - Elly, 34 (marriage proposal)
And have a baby which is also twin - Dania and Damia, 5
1 day, they got an email which ask them whether they want to adopted a child or not.. I choose yes, and then there came a boy..
And I named that boy - Adam, 3..
*i also try to make them have another child and it works..
They get another baby (not twin la).. =P
Family 4 (LUPIKIRLASENDIRI *knp nme nie? Ntah.. ahaha~ =P)
I create - Linda, 30
She then married to - Naim, 30 also
*They just got a baby, which is twin..
Tomorrow i will knoe their sex (bcoz, tomorrow they will automatically become a-5-years-old kids).. =P
Family 5 (ABP *bcoz i create this family tyme i watched ABPBH.. funny rite?)
I create - Adira, 30 (bcoz i like adira in af8)
She married to - Alif, 31 (i also like alif in af8)
*They also just got a baby twin..
We'll see tomorrow what's their sex.. =)
That's all the information about a families that i've created..
I will play this game until they will be a very BIG family.. =)
So, that's all for today..
Sayonara, minna.. =P
Sunday, April 4, 2010
huu.. ke'gelap'an is juz na memberitahu yg mke ak GELAP..
Kenape bah?? it is bcoz ak bejemur seminggu besame2 matahari yg indah..
waahh gituw..
huh! seyes2.. mmg da sunburn..
abes la ak, but, i'm so glad that i still have 2 weeks for me to clean those 'sunburn' yg mencapap on my face.. huu~
tapi kan, tapi kan, boley kew ilang dlm mse 2 minggu nie..??
i really need sumtin yg really2 will makes my sunburn hilang in this 2 weeks..
so? anybody have any suggestion?
pliszz.. help me minna!!
huu.. ke'gelap'an is juz na memberitahu yg mke ak GELAP..
Kenape bah?? it is bcoz ak bejemur seminggu besame2 matahari yg indah..
waahh gituw..
huh! seyes2.. mmg da sunburn..
abes la ak, but, i'm so glad that i still have 2 weeks for me to clean those 'sunburn' yg mencapap on my face.. huu~
tapi kan, tapi kan, boley kew ilang dlm mse 2 minggu nie..??
i really need sumtin yg really2 will makes my sunburn hilang in this 2 weeks..
so? anybody have any suggestion?
pliszz.. help me minna!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Erm, td da la belangsungnyew sukan tadika mak ak..
hee~ ak turut membantu.. yee.. ak membantu sesangat..
smlm tdo kol 1 siapkan sepanduk.. ahaha~ tu la wat keje last minit.. *macam ta bese
sok, td sukan..
ank2 murid mak ak semangat gilew.. ngan tema ungu gitu.. =)
mle2 ak jge khemah, then mak soh jge pendaftaran..
hee~ duk la jge skali ngan adek ak, mai..
then, ak na tgk sukaneka.. p la tgk n uruskn budak2 tue, spe yg msk sukaneka..
ad stu game jew ta dpt num, yg len sume dpt, even tade yg no.1 pn..
tape la jnji bdk2 tue rse fun.. =)
Lari berganti, susun tin, lari dlm gelung - no.2..
Bola ats pale - no.3..
Masuk bola dlm bakul - no.5.. *sbb bdk yg akhir ta ke garisan penamat..
Bola sepak - no.4..
Bola Jaring - no.4..
Abes sukan kol 2.30.. haishh.. letih amat..
tp best sgt tgk bdk2 sukan..
nnt bile ak da ad ank or kowang pn ad ank gaks, sme2 la kte memeriahkan sukan ank kite..
sbb itu yg mengeratkan lg kasih syg ant ank n ibu bape.. okie? =)
Tyme to rest.. yeahh.. really need to REST.. =)

Ak pasti amat rindu celoteh2 dowang..

Ak da gelap okie.. so jgn kecoh.. *seminggu mengadap matahari, mane ta sun burn.. =(
Sayonara, Minna..
hee~ ak turut membantu.. yee.. ak membantu sesangat..
smlm tdo kol 1 siapkan sepanduk.. ahaha~ tu la wat keje last minit.. *macam ta bese
sok, td sukan..
ank2 murid mak ak semangat gilew.. ngan tema ungu gitu.. =)
mle2 ak jge khemah, then mak soh jge pendaftaran..
hee~ duk la jge skali ngan adek ak, mai..
then, ak na tgk sukaneka.. p la tgk n uruskn budak2 tue, spe yg msk sukaneka..
ad stu game jew ta dpt num, yg len sume dpt, even tade yg no.1 pn..
tape la jnji bdk2 tue rse fun.. =)
Lari berganti, susun tin, lari dlm gelung - no.2..
Bola ats pale - no.3..
Masuk bola dlm bakul - no.5.. *sbb bdk yg akhir ta ke garisan penamat..
Bola sepak - no.4..
Bola Jaring - no.4..
Abes sukan kol 2.30.. haishh.. letih amat..
tp best sgt tgk bdk2 sukan..
nnt bile ak da ad ank or kowang pn ad ank gaks, sme2 la kte memeriahkan sukan ank kite..
sbb itu yg mengeratkan lg kasih syg ant ank n ibu bape.. okie? =)
Tyme to rest.. yeahh.. really need to REST.. =)
Ak pasti amat rindu celoteh2 dowang..
Ak da gelap okie.. so jgn kecoh.. *seminggu mengadap matahari, mane ta sun burn.. =(
Sayonara, Minna..
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